"The 870.000 Jews expelled from Arab countries in the 1940s and 1950s similarly settled quietly in the United States, Europe and Israel. They aren’t out there blowing up Iraqi, Moroccan and Algerian embassies or airplanes, which is why you probably never think about them.
The list of people who were displaced by the events of World War II and decolonization is endless. The only group that anyone pays attention to is the Palestinians. If the Palestinians were to stop blowing up airplanes and pizza shops people would stop paying attention."
por Philip Greenspun in Those Who Forget The Past
Normalmente não simpatizo muito com povos que matam atletas olímpicos durante os Jogos. O facto de serem intolerantes, incultos, ditaturiais, racistas, machistas e xenófabos só reforça o sentimento. Não estou a dizer que gosto dos Israelitas, eu mal os conheço. O que eu não simpatizo é com os povos que matam atletas olímpicos e...
The list of people who were displaced by the events of World War II and decolonization is endless. The only group that anyone pays attention to is the Palestinians. If the Palestinians were to stop blowing up airplanes and pizza shops people would stop paying attention."
por Philip Greenspun in Those Who Forget The Past
Normalmente não simpatizo muito com povos que matam atletas olímpicos durante os Jogos. O facto de serem intolerantes, incultos, ditaturiais, racistas, machistas e xenófabos só reforça o sentimento. Não estou a dizer que gosto dos Israelitas, eu mal os conheço. O que eu não simpatizo é com os povos que matam atletas olímpicos e...
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