Sunday, May 23, 2021

O Mar tem...

O Mar tem sempre razão ! E o Vento e a Areia....

Agnès Varda

Geoff Crowther and Lonely Planet

Banana shed at Burringhbar 1970's

Geoff Crowther died today, 13 April 2021. Geoff had an incalculable impact on a unique generation of travellers.

This at the Tony Wheeler Blog :

He was a true explorer and adventurer who went beyond boundaries and borders. Geoff played an enormous part in the creation of Lonely Planet. He was the author of an almost unbelievable number of first editions, books that defined Lonely Planet’s ethos and style, including Africa on a shoestring and South America on a shoestring. Plus many more. He was a knowledgeable, amusing, sometimes acerbic writer who fearlessly told the truth as he saw it. His hand-drawn maps were always works of art, sometimes possibly part-fantasy. Geoff was a charming rogue, with a fearsome appetite for life that sometimes challenged those caught up in his wake. He was a hero for me, and if I am not mistaken, for many others too. By Richard Everist.

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Linha do Mar

Toda a Arte Moderna foi polémica no seu tempo. Já percebemos que muitos acham a peça “Linha do Mar” do Pedro Cabrita Reis não encaixa no bom gosto tradicional, para outros é muito cara ou demasiado fácil de construir. Eu não sei a quanto está o quilo da arte contemporânea, mas sei que o autor é bastante reconhecido no meio e valorizado internacionalmente. E a obra tem feito levantar muitas ondas, como se quer nas vanguardas artísticas ! 

Para já podemos não gostar nem compreender, mas fico curioso como será vista esta peça daqui a algumas décadas...